Global Tactical Supply ships to the U.S. and Canada. It is the buyer's responsibility to check with state laws and/or their local Customs office to ensure that they are making a lawful purchase.  We leave it up to our customers to weigh the risk of ordering tactical equipment from outside the United States. If you do not receive your order, if may be because it has been seized.  

All Global Tactical Supply LLC sales are final. We can only issue refunds for items that are damaged in transit, and only if we are unable to replace said item.

We can not issue refunds for the following occurrences: 
- The confiscation of items by your local Customs office. 
- The return of your items to GTS by your local Customs office.  
- The return of items as a result of an incorrect address provided. 

However, if your order was returned as a result of an insufficient address as told by the USPS, we would be happy to arrange shipping plans to an alternate address to ensure product delivery. 

If you have any questions about your order, please contact Customer Support at